
Rigidella mitis (Öpik, 1935)

1935     Steusloffia mitis — Öpik , lk. 11, joon. 1:5
1937     Rigidella mitis — Öpik , lk. 53
2001     Rigidella mitis (Öpik, 1935) — Tinn & Meidla , lk. 131
2003     Rigidella mitis — Tolmacheva et al. , lk. 33
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Tinn, O., Meidla, T. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships of Early-Middle Ordovician ostracods of Baltoscandia. Palaeontology 47, 2, 199-221. DOI:10.1111/j.0031-0239.2004.00369.x
Tolmacheva, T., Egerquist, E., Meidla, T., Tinn, O., Holmer, L. 2003. Faunal composition and dynamics in unconsolidated sediments: a case study from the Middle Ordovician of the East Baltic. Geological Magazine 140, 1, 31-44. DOI:10.1017/S001675680200701X
Ivantsov, A. Yu., Melnikova, L. M. 1998. The lower Ordovician Volkhov and Kunda horizons and characteristics of trilobites and ostracodes (the Volkhov River, Leningrad region). Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation 6, 5, 47-63.
Sarv, L. 1959. Ordovician ostracodes in the Estonian S.S.R.. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused IV, 1-210.
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