Diplotrypa petropolitana (Nicholson, 1879)
1879 Monticulipora (Diplotrypa) petropolitana Pander — Nicholson , lk. 313, joon. XIII 3-3c
1911 nonDiplotrypa petropolitana (Nicholson, 1879) — Bassler , joon. fig. 195
1911 Diplotrypa petropolitana (Nicholson, 1879) — Bassler , lk. 313, joon. text fig. 192-195
1921 Diplotrypa petropolitana Nicholson — Bekker , lk. 44, joon. X 1-11
1953 Diplotrypa petropolitana (Nich.) — Modzalevskaya , lk. 105
1959 Diplotrypa petropolitana petropolitana — Männil , lk. 239, joon. XXXV 5-8; XXXIX 1-4
1961 Diplotrypa petropolitana petropolitana — Männil , joon. I:2-4; II 2
1965 Diplotrypa petropolitana — Astrova , lk. 183, joon. XXVII 2
1970 Diplotrypa petropolitana — Nekhorosheva , lk. 74, joon. text fig. 2
1978 Diplotrypa petropolitana Nicholson, 1879 — Astrova , lk. 68
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Vinn, O., Ernst, A., Wilson, M. A., Toom, U. 2019. Symbiosis of conulariids with trepostome bryozoans in the Upper Ordovician of Estonia (Baltica). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 518, 89-96. DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.01.018
Koromyslova, A. V. 2016. Paleogeography of the Ordovician bryozoans of the genus Diplotrypa Nicholson (Trepostomida). Paleontological Journal 50, 5, 471-479. Pleiades Publishing Ltd. DOI:10.1134/S0031030116050075
Pushkin, V., Pushkina, N. 2013. Mšanki semejstva Halloporidae. pp. 1-100. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
Koromyslova, A. V. 2011. Bryozoans of the Latorp and Volkhov horizons (Lower-Middle Ordovician) of the Leningrad Region. Paleontological Journal 45, 8, 887-980. DOI:10.1134/S0031030111080028
Koromyslova, A. V. 2004. Bryozoans of the Genus Diplotrypa Nicholson, 1879 from the Middle Ordovician of the Leningrad Region. Paleontological Journal 38, 6, 635-638.
Pushkin, V. 2002. Middle Ordovician bryozoa from the Podlasie-Brest Depression (Belarussian part): suborders Ceramoporina, Esthonioporina, Amplexoporina, Halloporina. Geological Quarterly 46, 4, 411-434.
Männil, Ralf 1961. On the morphology of the hemisphaeric zoaria of Trepostomata (Bryozoa). ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused VI, 113-140.
Männil, R. M. 1959. Questions of stratigraphy and bryozoans of the Ordovician of Estonia. pp. 1-852. Institut Geologii Akademii Nauk Estonskoi SSR.
Modzalevskaya, E. A. 1953. Trepostomaty ordovika Pribaltiki i ih stratigraficheskoe znachenie. Trudy Vsesoûznogo Naučno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologo-Razvedočnogo Instituta (VNIGRI) 91-167. Gostoptehizdat.
Öpik, A. 1927. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Kukruse-(C2-) Stufe in Eesti. II. Tartu Ülikooli Geoloogia Instituudi Toimetused 10, 1-35.
Bekker, H. 1921. The Kuckers stage of the Ordovician Rocks in NE Estonia. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis II, 1, 1-92.
Bassler, R. S. 1911. The Early Paleozoic Bryozoa of the Baltic Provinces. Bulletin of the US National Museum 77, 1-382.
organismirühm | Biota |
riik | Animalia |
hõimkond | Bryozoa |
klass | Stenolaemata |
ülemselts | Palaeostomata |
selts | Trepostomata |
alamselts | Halloporina (suborder) |
sugukond | Halloporidae |
perekond | Diplotrypa |
liik | abnormis |
anchicatenulata | |
baltica | |
bekkeri | |
belorussica | |
berzeni | |
bicornis | |
catenulata | |
densitabulata | |
diplotrypoides | |
dybowskii | |
hennigi | |
hvergemi | |
ligniformis | |
limata | |
moniliformis | |
neglecta | |
nondiaphragmoides | |
olgae | |
petropolitana | |
alamliik | macropora |
liik | rajkkulaensis |
scalaris | |
westoni |
Levik kirjandusandmetel
- Bassler, 1911b Erra Kukruse lade
- Bassler, 1911b Kukruse Kukruse lade
- Bassler, 1911b Tallinn Uhaku lade
- Bassler, 1911b Madise astang Jõhvi alamlade
- Bassler, 1911b Pääsküla Jõhvi alamlade
- Bassler, 1911b Keila Keila lade
- Bassler, 1911b Üksnurme Oandu lade
- Bassler, 1911b Üksnurme Rakvere lade
- Bassler, 1911b Rakvere Rakvere lade
- Bekker, 1921a Kukruse Kukruse lade