
Homotrypa cribrosa (Bassler, 1911)

1911     Homotrypella cribrosa, new species — Bassler , lk. 192, joon. 13, text fig. 103
1970     Homotrypella cribrosa Bassler — Rõõmusoks , lk. 328, joon. table 17
1978     Homotrypa cribrosa (Bassler, 1911) — Astrova , lk. 95
1987     Homotrypa similis Foord, 1883 — Pushkin , lk. 185
Valik taksonit käsitlevast teaduskirjandusest
Männil, R. M. 1959. Questions of stratigraphy and bryozoans of the Ordovician of Estonia. pp. 1-852. Institut Geologii Akademii Nauk Estonskoi SSR.