
Climacograptus pauperatus Bulman, 1953

Current taxon already exists. See initial taxon Proclimacograptus angustatus

Taxon ID: 10013
Fossiiliryhmä: Graptolithina
Sisältyy taksoniin: Climacograptus
Other version of taxon: Proclimacograptus angustatus
Ajallinen levinneisyys: Middle Ordovician (header.f_taxon_age_within 470.0 – 458.4 header.f_taxon_age_within_unit)
1953     Climacograptus pauperatus sp. nov. — Bulman , pp. 512-514, fig. 1:10-12; 2:13-16
1960     Climacograptus pauperatus Bulman — Jaanusson , pp. 332, fig. 3:12-13
1964     Climacograptus pauperatus Bulman — Berry , pp. 134-135, fig. 13:7,11
1997     Proclimacograptus angustatus (Ekström, 1937) — Maletz , pp. 69
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Jaanusson, V. 1960. Graptoloids from the Ontikan and Viruan (Ordov.) limestones of Estonia and Sweden. Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala 38, 289-366.