
Pseudomonoclimacis haupti (Kühne, 1955)

1955     Monograptus haupti n. sp. — Kühne , pp. 365-368
1958     non Monograptus haupti (Kühne) — Urbanek , pp. 88, fig. pl. 4:5a,b; text fig. 59-65;
1965     Monoclimacis? haupti (Kühne) — Rickards , pp. 255, fig. text fig. 2c
1978     non Monograptus haupti Kühne — Jaeger , pp. 301-306, fig. 1
1999     Monograptus? haupti Kühne 1955 — Maletz , pp. 282, 287, fig. 1D, 3
2012     Pseudomonoclimacis haupti — Paškevičius et al. , pp. 79
2017     Pseudomonoclimacis dalejensis — Maletz & Schöning , fig. 4b,e
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Paškevičius, J., Klimantavičius, V., Radzevičius, S. 2012. Lithostratigraphy, graptolites and brachiopods communities of the Ludlow (Silurian) of the Eastern slope of the Baltic Syneclise. Geologija 54, 3, 75-88. DOI:10.6001/geologija.v54i3.2515
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