
Orthosphaeridium rectangulare (Eisenack, 1963)

1963     Baltisphaeridium rectangulare — Eisenack , pp. 211, fig. 20;1-3, 10
1968     Orthosphaeridium rectangulare (Eisenack, 1963) — Eisenack , pp. 93, fig. 25:1
1970     Baltisphaera quadrinata — Burmann , pp. 306, fig. 8:1
1970     Baltisphaera transitoria — Burmann , pp. 306-307, fig. 13:2
1970     Baltisphaera quadricornis — Burmann , pp. 307-308, fig. 14:7a,b
1971     Orthosphaeridium chondrododora — Loeblich & Tappan , pp. 184-186, fig. 2-6
1971     Orthosphaeridium vibrissiferum — Loeblich and Tappan , pp. 186-188, fig. 7-12
1991     ?Orthosphaeridium latispinosum — Uutela & Tynni, , pp. 103
1991     Orthosphaeridium rectangulare Eisenack (1963) 1968 — Uutela & Tynni , pp. 103, fig. XXVI:248
2020     Orthosphaeridium rectangulare Eisenack (1963) Eisenack, 1968 — Navidi-Izad et al. , pp. 6
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Uutela, A., Tynni, R. 1991. Ordovician acritarchs from the Rapla borehole, Estonia. Geological Survey of Finland. Bulletin 353, 1-135.
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Rapla borehole  (38 ... 38): 1