
Armoricochitina Paris, 1981

Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Stouge, S., Bauert, G., Bauert, H., Nõlvak, J., Rasmussen, J. A. 2016. Upper Middle to lower Upper Ordovician chitinozoans and conodonts from the Bliudziai-150 core, southern Lithuania. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 53, 8, 781-787. DOI:10.1139/cjes-2015-0205
Männik, P., Loydell, D. K., Nestor, V., Nõlvak, J. 2015. Integrated Upper Ordovician–lower Silurian biostratigraphy of the Grötlingbo-1 core section, Sweden. GFF 137, 3, 226-244. DOI:10.1080/11035897.2015.1042032
Bauert, G., Nõlvak, J., Bauert, H. 2014. Chitinozoan biostratigraphy in the Haljala Regional Stage, Upper Ordovician: a high-resolution approach from NE Estonia. GFF 136, 1, 26-29. DOI:10.1080/11035897.2013.857715
Nõlvak, J. 2003. Distribution of Ordovician chitinozoans. Estonian Geological Sections Bulletin 5, 23-25. Geological Survey of Estonia.
Modliński, Z., Nõlvak, J., Szymanski, B. 2002. Chitinozoan biozonation of the Ordovician succession in the borehole Proniewicze IG 1 (NE Poland). Przegląd Geologiczny 50, 1, 67-74.
Nõlvak, J., Grahn, Y. 1993. Ordovician chitinozoan zones from Baltoscandia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 79, 245-269. DOI:10.1016/0034-6667(93)90025-P