
Halysites catenularius (Linnaeus, 1767)

Taxon description

Klaamann, 1966b

Small corallum composed of rounded corallites of 1.4—1.55 X 1-6—1.8 mm. Lacunae rounded-polygonal. Mesocorallites angular, 0.2—0.35 X 0.3—0.5 mm in diameter. Tabulae placed at intervals of. 0.4—1.2 mm, in mesocorallites — 0.25—0.4 mm. Septal spinules very weakly developed

1728     Tubularia fossilis — Bromell , pp. 411
1767     Tubipora catenularia — Linnaeus , pp. 1270
1854     Halysites catenularia (Linnaeus) — Milne-Edwards & Haime , pp. 270-272, fig. pl. 64, fig. 1, la-c
1904     Halysites cratus — Etheridge , pp. 27-29, fig. 1:1; 4:3,4; 6:5,6
1915     Halysites pycnoblastoides Etheridge — Yabe , pp. 36-37, fig. 9(5):3-4
1915     Halysites pycnoblastoides Etheridge — Yabe & Hayasaka , pp. 79
1915     Halysites pycnoblastoides Etheridge — Yabe , pp. 36-37
1925     Halysites cf. cratus Eth - eridge — Grabau , pp. 77
1937     Halysites catenularius var. borealis n. var. — Tchernychev , pp. 98-99, fig. XI 5a,b
1954     Halysites catenularius (Linnaeus) — Thomas & Smith , pp. 766, fig. pl. 20:fig. Ia-c
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Liang, K., Elias, R. J., Lee, D. 2019. Morphometrics, growth characteristics, and phylogenetic implications of Halysites catenularius (Tabulata, Silurian, Estonia). Journal of Paleontology 93, 2, 215-231. DOI:10.1017/jpa.2018.73
Mõtus, M.-A. 2001. Environment related morphological variation in Early Silurian tabulate corals from the Baltic area. Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum 1, 62-69.
Mõtus, M.-A., Klaamann, E. 1999. The halysitid coral genera Halysites and Cystihalysites from Gotland, Sweden. GFF 121, 2, 81-91. DOI:10.1080/11035899901212081
Sokolov, B. S., Tesakov, J. I. 1984. Populâcionnyj, biocenotičeskij i biostratigrafičeskij analiz tabulât. Podol'skaâ model'. pp. 1-140. Nauka.
Klaamann, E. R. 1966. The incommunicate tabulata of Estonia. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused 1-97. Eesti NSV TA Geoloogia Instituut.
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