
Lockeia siliquaria James, 1879

Taxon description

Buatois et al., 2016b

Description: Almond-like  or oval-shaped traces. Typically, these forms taper toward one end with the other end more rounded. Some specimens exhibit irregular shapes. Lenght is 12,3-45,2 mm and width is 8,9-22,7 mm. Large specimens display hypichnial ridges up to 17,9 mm deep, typicall the depht is about 10 mm. The surface usually is mooth, although some specimens show corrugated lateral sides. A marginal rim is observed in a few specimens. a longitudimal ridge is, or carena, is prersent occasionally. Some large specimens are strongly tilted to one side.large specimens may occur singly or in patches, forming grops of three or more, Overlap between specimens are quite common.

Schlirf et al., 2001

Emended diagnosis: Thin, elongated to stout, generally high-relief, almond-shaped, smooth hypichnial ridges, with strongly arcuate to almost obtuse terminations; occasionally showing vertical spreite.

Description: Smooth, hypichnial, predominantly straight, variously oriented, gregarious, rarely single, almondshaped mounds elongated in different degree, with pointed or obtuse terminations. Some of the mounds are slightly arcuate or winding. Two size classes can be distinguished: (a) 26 mm long, and 7 mm across in the widest portion, and (b) 5 mm long and 2 mm across.

Mikuláš et al., 2013

Smooth, almond-shaped bulges preserved as low convex hyporeliefs. Dimensions of the bulges range from 4 × 1 mm to 10 × 2.5 mm.

Lima & Netto, 2012

Elongated, almond-shaped protuberance with smooth borders. The majority of the specimens shows a median ridge, evidencing the bilateral symmetry of the structure. Fill is lithologycally similar to the host rock. All specimens occur isolated.

1879     Lockeia siliquaria — James , pp. 17
1971     Lockeia silliquaria James, 1879 — Chamberlain , pp. 219, fig. 29:1
1990     Lockeia avalonensis ichnosp, nov. — Fillion & Pickerill , pp. 39, fig. 9:1-5
1994     Lockeia silliquaria James, 1879 — Kim , pp. 222, fig. 4a, 5
1994     L. triangulichnus nov. ichnosp — Kim , pp. 223, fig. 4C,5
1994     Lockeia silliquaria James, 1879 — Rindsberg , pp. 37, fig. 2A-D
1998     Lockeia silliquaria James, 1879 — Radley et al. , fig. 2
2001     Lockeia silliquaria James, 1879 — Schlirf et al. , pp. 77, fig. 6B-C
2001     Lockeia silliquaria James, 1879 — Ekdale & Bromley , pp. 120-121, fig. Fig. 1, 2
2002     Lockeia siliquaria (James, 1879) — Mangano et al. , pp. 42, fig. 37A-F
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Mikuláš, R., Meškis, S., Ivanov, A., Lukševičs, E., Zupinš, I., Stinkulis, G. 2013. A rich ichnofossil assemblage from the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) deposits at Andoma Hill, Onega Lake, Russia. Bulletin of Geosciences 88, 2, 389-400. DOI:10.3140/bull.geosci.1358
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