
Palaeophycus striatus Hall, 1852

Taxon description

Mikuláš et al., 2002a

Straight, horizontal, secondarily flattened, unbranched tunnel with wall lining, 11–12 mm wide and 35 mm long. Wall surface is covered with straight, regular rounded ridges (6 ridges in trace width). The tunnel is preserved as full relief in calcareous siltstone.

Pemberton & Frey, 1982

Very thinly lined, longitudianally striated burrows, continuous parallel striae.

Lima & Netto, 2012

Subcylindrical to flattened burrows of slightly curved trajectory, whose extremities plunge into the substrate. Burrow margins lined and ornamented by longitudinal parallel grooves, whose degree of preservation varies among the specimens. Burrow fill is composed of sediment identical to that of the surrounding matrix. Average burrow diameter is 4.79 mm, with a minimum diameter of 1.71 mm and a maximum diameter of 6.28 mm. Preservation in positive hyporelief.

1852     Palaeophycus striatus — Hall , pp. 22, fig. 10:1a-d
1982     Palaeophycus striatus Hall, 1852 — Pemberton & Frey , pp. 861, fig. 1:3; 4:2,3
1991     Palaeophycus striatus Hall, 1852 — Gierlowski-Kordesch , pp. 223, fig. 3A,B
1992     Palaeophycus striatus Hall, 1852 — Pickerill , pp. 27, fig. 4G
1996     Palaeophycus striatus Hall, 1852 — Paczesna , pp. 58, fig. Plate VIII: 4, 5
2000     Palaeophycus striatus Hall, 1852 — Schlirf , pp. 153, fig. 1:5; text fig. 7
2002     Palaeophycus striatus Hall, 1852 — Mikulaš et al. , pp. 55, fig. II 3
2005     Palaeophycus striatus Hall, 1852 — Mángano et al. , pp. 651, fig. 5A
2006     Palaeophycus striatus Hall, 1852 — Melchor et al. , pp. 263, fig. 6H
2012     Palaeophycus striatus Hall, 1852 — Lima & Netto , pp. 14, fig. 5F