
Multina magna Orłowski, 1968

Taxon description

Orłowski, 1968

Description. On the upper surface 'of quartzite sandstones at WiAniowka, the author found 6 specimens (5 at Wisniowka Mala and 1 at Wisniowka Duza), which seem to be traces of feeding and dwelling of worms. These are grooves of oval section, about 1 mm in breadth, arranged mainly in polygons resembling irregular honeycombs with hexagonal, heptagonal and octagonal appearance, occupying long and narrow areas. Frequently, one of the walls is open. Dimensions of the individual polygons reach up to 5 cm. At places, superposition of the individual honeycombs can be observed. On irregular surfaces, these structures adapt to inequalities; sometimes the grooves are cut off by hollows after pebbles of shales or gas bubbles.

Comparison. The structures described above are approximate to Paleodictyon, the form known to occur in many places of the earth globe from Ordovician to Tertiary, among others also in the Carpathian flysch deposits. They differ from the form Paleodictyon in having greater dimension, lower regularity of polygons and their superposition. Maybe, this is caused by repeated feeding or dwelling of certain 'organism in the same place.

Orłowski & Źylińska, 1996

The grooves on the upper surface of sandstones beds are about 1 mm wide, semioval in cross section, straight or slightly curved. They bifurcate and cross each other forming irregular polygons. Indistinct transverse furrows on some specimens resemble the backfill type of burrow infilling and are suggestive of peristaltic locomotion mechanism of the animal. Width of a single polygon varies from 2 to 5 cm. Concave epireliefs.

1968     Multina magna gen. et sp. n. — Orłowski , pp. 197-198, fig. pl. I, fig. 1, 2
1996     Multina magna Orłowski, 1968 — Orłowski & Żylińska , pp. 398, fig. 8A-B
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Orłowski, S., Żylińska, A. 1996. Non-arthropod burrows from the Middle and Late Cambrian of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 41, 4, 385-409.
Orłowski, S. 1968. Kambr antykliny Łysogórskiej Gór Swietokrzyskich [Cambrian of Łysogóri Anticline in the Holy Cross Mountains]. Biuletyn Geologiczny 10, 153-222.
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioturbation trace fossils
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