Dictyotidium Eisenack, 1955; emend Staplin, 1961
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Uutela, A., Tynni, R. 1991. Ordovician acritarchs from the Rapla borehole, Estonia. Geological Survey of Finland. Bulletin 353, 1-135.
Volkova, N. A., Siverzeva, I. A. 1991. New Tremadocian acritarchs from the north of the Russian Plate. Paleontologicheski Zhurnal 1991, 3, 119-123.
Mens, K., Paškevičiene, L. 1981. Environmental control in the distribution of acritarchs in the Lontova Stage of Estonia. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Геология 30, 4, 148-155. DOI:10.3176/geol.1981.4.02
Volkova, N. A., Kiryanov, V. V., Piskun, L. V., Paškevičiene, L. T., Jankauskas, T. V. 1979. Microflora. Upper Precambrian and Cambrian paleontology of East-European platform, pp. 4-38. Nauka.
Eisenack, A. 1965. Mikrofossilien aus dem Silur Gotlands. Hystrichosphären, Problematika. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen 122, 3, 257–274.
List of species
1. Dictyotidium birvetense Paškevičiene, 1979 | Lower Cambrian (old nomenclature)
2. Dictyotidium biscutulatum Kiryanov, 1978 | Sandbian
6. Dictyotidium operculatum Siverzeva et Volkova, 1991 | Tremadocian
7. Dictyotidium ovatum Uutela et Tynni, 1991 | Pirgu Stage
8. Dictyotidium stenodictyum Eisenack, 1965 | Silurian
9. Dictyotidium torosum Playford, 1981 | Pirgu Stage
10. Dictyotidium venosum Uutela et Tynni, 1991 | Rakvere Stage