
Paracanthorhaphe togwunia Wu, 1985

Taxon description

Buatois et al., 1996

Description: Irregularly meandering and winding horizontal burrows. Branching is occasionally present. Narrow thorn-like, straight, lateral prolongations are attached to the main burrow at right angles and mainly on the convex side of the meanders. Diameter of the burrows is relatively constant within a single specimen. Lateral prolongations are commonly thick at their base and pointed at their terminations. In most cases, a single lateral element is present in each meander. In the holotype, a short straight burrow apparently connects two meanders at the bifurcation point. In the paratype, the meandering pattern is remarkably irregular. The analyzed specimens are superimposed on a highly compressed background suite of additional material. Diameter of the meandering bend ranges between 1-2.5 mm. Amplitude of the meanders varies between 8-27 mm. Length of meanders is 10-27 mm. Length of lateral elements ranges between 0.5-2mm. Preserved as hypichnial ridges.

1996     Paracanthorhaphe togwunia Wu, 1985 — Buatois et al. , pp. 295, fig. 10A, B
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioturbation trace fossils