
Protovirgularia rugosa (Miller et Dyer, 1878)

Taxon description

Uchman & Gaždzicki, 2006

Diagnosis. Commonly short Protovirgularia terminated by smooth Lockeia−like body. Chevron markings strong (after Seilacher and Seilacher 1994; modified by Uchman 1998).

Gaillard & Racheboeuf, 2006

Description.--Convex semi-cylindrical hyporelief (length: 40mm, width:15mm) with a median furrow separating two rows of ribs arranged in chevronlike structure. Well-marked ribs (width:1-2 mm). Observed specimens very similar to specimen illustrated by Uchman (1998, fig.67c).

1998     Protovirgularia rugosa (Miller & Dyer, 1878a) — Stanley & Pickerill , pp. 24, fig. 10:1
2006     Protovirgularia rugosa (Miller and Dyer, 1878) — Uchman & Gaździcki , pp. 162, fig. Fig. 3
2006     Protovirgularia rugosa (Miller and Dyer, 1878) — Gaillard & Racheboeuf , pp. 1206, fig. 3.5
2021     Protovirgularia rugosa (Miller and Dyer, 1878a) — Knaust , pp. 7