
Asterosoma radiciforme Otto, 1854

Taxon description

Chamberlain, 1971

Description.-Preserved on bottom of thin bedded sandstone beds as convex hyporelief and as full relief within the beds. Individual burrows range from 15 to 30 mm in diameter and from 30 to 80 mm in length, and most are inclined to the bedding at approximately 25?. They are rounded, elongate, have a bulbous middle region, all taper at one end and some at both ends, and many have several smaller branches fanning from the end. Several of the individual burrows fan or radiate from a common point where a central tube is present. Overall patterns range from 150 to 300 mm across. External surface marked by longitudinal, subangular furrows and striae. Internally the sand is packed into concentric laminae around the clay and fecal (?) filled gallery or into retrusive spreite with thin or broken laminae on the upside indicating upward oblique or vertical migration of as much as 40 mm.

1854     Asterosoma radiciforme — Otto , pp. 15, fig. 2:4
1962     Asterosoma radiciforme — Häntzschel , pp. W184, fig. 111:2
1971     Asterosoma radiciforme Otto, 1854 — Chamberlain , pp. 233, fig. 29:14; Text-figs. 6B-E, 8H-I
1998     Asterosoma radiciforme Otto, 1854 — Głuszek , pp. 522, fig. 3D,E
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioturbation trace fossils