Anellusichnus Santos, Mayoral et Muñiz, 2005
Current taxon already exists. See initial taxon Centrichnus
Taxon ID: 15960
Fossiiliryhmä: Ichnofossils
Sisältyy taksoniin: Bioerosional trace fossils
Other version of taxon: Centrichnus
Baltian ja Fennoskandian lajit (tietokannassa olevat)
Taxon description
Buatois et al., 2017
Category of architectural design: 2.76. Single circular to tear-shaped attachment bioerosion traces.
Knaust, 2012a
Unbranched, circular, etching traces.
Pokorný & Štofik, 2017
Diagnosis: Surface traces of circular or subcircular to oval-subpolygonal shape. In the simplest case, the boundary is revealed merely by a color difference in the substrate or, more often, by the presence of a shallow, ring-shaped furrow following a curved, rectilinear or festooned pathway. Within this outer furrow, as a rule, additional structures occur consisting of very faint, circular, oval, or subpolygonal concentric striations (Santos et al.,2005).