
Stellatichnus radiatus Nielsen et Nielsen, 2001

Taxon description

Blissett & Pickerill, 2007

Diagnosis – (After Nielsen & Nielsen, 2001, p. 112.) “Biogenic hole characterized by a multi-radiate star-shaped outline. External opening equal to or slightly larger than internal opening. Both openings sharp in outline. Margin of hole perpendicular to external test surface or converging slightly inward in a straight manner.”
Description – Five pointed star-shaped boring featuring a prominent (longer than the other four) elongate ray. Largest dimension of boring measured from longest to opposite ray is c. 380 μm. The margin of the boring is perpendicular to the substrate surface.

Nielsen & Nielsen, 2001

Diagnosis. Biogenic hole characterized by a multiradiate star-shaped outline. External opening equal to or slightly larger than internal opening. Both openings sharp in outline. Margin of hole perpendicular to external test surface or converging slightly inward in a straight manner

2001     Stellatichnus radiatus isp. nov. — Nielsen & Nielsen , pp. 112, fig. 3E-H, 5
2007     Stellatichnus radiatus Nielsen & Nielsen — Blisset & Pickerill , pp. 94, fig. 5:1
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioerosional trace fossils