
Spirolites Uchman, Stachacz et Salamon, 2018

Taxon description

Wisshak et al., 2019a

Attachment; substrate calcareous; tracemaker invertebrate

Uchman et al., 2018a

Diagnosis: Depression in form of an involute spiral, smooth or with perpendicular annulation. Width of the spiral increases outward.

Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Uchman, A., Stachacz, M., Salamon, K. 2018. Spirolites radwanskii n. igen. n. isp.: vermetid gastropod attachment etching trace from the middle Miocene rocky coast of the Paratethys, Poland. Journal of Paleontology 92, 5, 883-895. DOI:10.1017/jpa.2017.95