
Pseudopolydorites radwanskii Głazek, Marcinowski et Wierzbowski, 1971

Taxon description

Głazek et al., 1971

Diagnosis. - Tubular, U-shapeded borings, probalblly left by polychaetes, round in section and about 6 to 8 mm in diameter. The limbs of the U~shaped loop are usually 3 to 15 cm long, thIis length being sometimes shortened as a result of abrasiono (Fig.3c). The space between the limbs aboult 1.2 cm to 1.8 cm wide camposed of an original, non-reworked, solid rock. Boring openings on the surface round, without a funnel-like depression. In the near-opernng part, the limbs display a characteristic defllection of their trace in relation to the deeper parts of the boring.

1971     Pseudopolydorites radwanskii ichnosp. nov. — Głazek et al. , pp. 441, fig. 3a-C; 1a-b, 4
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioerosional trace fossils