
Maeandropolydora elegans Bromley et D’Alessandro, 1983

Taxon description

Blissett & Pickerill, 2007

Diagnosis– (After Bromley & D’Alessandro, 1983, p. 296.) “System composed of cylindrical galleries of constant diameter, irregularly sinuous, tending to run in paired fashion, the limbs touching but normally not fused. Numerous apertures.”

Description– Cylindrical gallery having a constant diameter of c. 14 μm and two prominent apertures. The gallery loops sharply onto itself and lacks blind ends, pouches and vanes. Fusing of limbs was not observed.

1983     Maeandropolydora elegans ichnosp. n. — Bromley & D'Alessandro , pp. 295, fig. Pl. 25:1, text fig.6
2004     Maeandropolydora elegans Bromley & D’Alessandro, 1983 — Blissett & Pickerill , pp. 181, fig. 7/2; 4