
Scolecia filosa Radtke, 1991

Taxon description

Blissett & Pickerill, 2007

Diagnosis – (Emended after translation from the original German; after Radtke, 91, p. 72.) Thin, branched or unbranched, slightly curved to vermiform boring lying beneath the substrate’s surface. Tiering may or may not occur.
Description – Multitiered, multibranched, complex network system having straight to slightly curved, thin tubules with average diameter of 116 μm. The total length of the network system is 3·5 mm with a thickness of 900 μm. Branching nodes do not show sign of swelling. Constriction is sporadic and only occurs close to the branching nodes.

Wisshak et al., 2008

Description. The 1-2 µm uniformly thin galleries of this trace are usually found collapsed to the cast surface and overlying other traces, and thereby only apparently form curled carpets or dense networks (Fig. 4G-H). The galleries rarely bifurcate and the individual galleries can often be followed for long stretches of more than 100 µm.

2007     Scolecia filosa Radtke, 1991 — Blisset & Pickerill , pp. 93, fig. 4:5
2008     Scolecia filosa Radtke, 1991 — Wisshak et al. , pp. 33, fig. 4G-H
2019     Scolecia filosa Radtke, 1991 — Seuss & Nützel , fig. Fig. 3k