
Calcideletrix fastigata (Radtke, 1991)

Taxon description

Wisshak et al., 2008

Description. This very rare, substrate-parallel, dendritic boring system is characterised by dichotomously ramifying galleries, emerging from a central small cavity or elongated gallery of 5-8 µm in diameter, thereby slowly tapering towards their terminations (Fig. 9A-B). In addition, the galleries are occasionally connected to the substrate surface by tapering rhizoidal appendages (Fig. 9B). Moderate swellings are often present at the bifurcations and may additionally appear along the galleries.

1991     Polyactina fastigata — Radtke , pp. 89, fig. 12: 3-4
2008     Polyactina fastigata Radtke, 1991 — Wisshak et al. , pp. 43
2017     Calcideletrix fastigata (Radtke, 1991) comb. nov. — Wisshak , pp. 41, fig. 14