
Entobia volzi Bromley et D’Alessandro, 1984

Taxon description

Blissett & Pickerill, 2007

Diagnosis– (After Bromley & D’Alessandro, 1984, p. 261.) “Diminutively camerate entobian consisting, in phase, of chambers connected by wide intercameral canals or partially fused, taking a form resembling an irregular, close framework. This system is crossed in all direction by relatively wide, subcylindrical canals that connect with the substrate surface through large apertures. Growth front compact. Phases B and C are considerably reduced, characterized by appearance of irregular chambers or clusters of chambers as swellings on the walls of the wide canals. Phase A comprises long, slender canals arranged irregularly and branched as a boxwork, having palmate expansions at nodal points. Apertures of two sizes, circular to oval, very irregularly distributed.”

2007     Entobia volzi Bromley & D’Alessandro, 1984 — Blisset & Pickerill , pp. 84, fig. Pl. 2:2