
Oichnus asperus Nielsen et Nielsen, 2001

Taxon description

Pokorný & Štofik, 2017

Emended diagnosis:Sedilichnus having openings of regular to irregular elongate-oval outline. The margin is perpendicular to the substrate surface; the walls in the distal end are straight or slightly rounded (after Nielsen and Nielsen, 2001).

Blissett & Pickerill, 2007

Diagnosis – (After Nielsen & Nielsen, 2001, p. 110.) “Oichnus having openings of regular to irregular elongate-oval outline. The margin is perpendicular to the substrate surface.”
Description – Oichnus having regular elongate oval-shape. The margin of each opening is perpendicular to the substrate surfaces, and the dimensions of the external and internal openings are unequal. The dimensions of the openings vary between specimens with external lengths c. 240 μm, widths c. 100 μm and internal lengths c. 150 μm, widths c. 90 μm.

2007     Oichnus asperus Nielsen et Nielsen, 2001 — Blisset & Pickerill , pp. 88, fig. 3:2
2017     Sedilichnus asperus (Nielsen and Nielsen, 2001) — Pokorný & Štofik , pp. 11, fig. 7F, 10