
Flosculichnus tectus Donovan et Jagt, 2005

Taxon description

Donovan & Jagt, 2005a

Diagnosis. Small, shallow, non-penetrative, flower-like embedment structure, with a central, circular pit surrounded by nine scalloped impressions. Scalloped impressions more or less abutting.

Description. Embedment structure on a shelly substrate. Small, shallow, non-penetrative structure, flower-like, comprised of a central, circular pit surrounded by nine scalloped impressions. Floor of central pit possibly scalloped apart from central polygonal area. Walls of central pit low, vertical. Surrounding scalloped impressions not as deep as central pit, with rounded base, more or less abutting adjacent scallops, although apparently developed slightly unevenly.

2005     Flosculichnus tectus igen. and isp. nov. — Donovan & Jagt , pp. 108, fig. Fig. 1, 2
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioerosional trace fossils