
Siskemia elegans Smith, 1909

Taxon description

Getty et al., 2017

Description: A trackway, preserved in convex hyporelief, which is composed of two lateral track rows and two deep medial impressions. The external and internal widths of the trackway are, respectively, 7.4 mm and 2.8 mm. Within the track rows, the tracks are grouped by threes into linear series that are oblique to the trackway axis at angles from 52° to 97°. Series have a stride from 2.6 to 3.6 mm and exhibit staggered to alternate symmetry relative to the trackway axis. The individual tracks are elongate and crescent- to teardrop-shaped in outline and have a maximum length of 2.6 mm. In many instances the tracks join proximally to form a single, trifid impression. The medial impressions are 0.4 mm apart and are about 0.3 mm wide. They are continuous and are of about equal dept

2017     Siskemia elegans Smith, 1909 — Getty et al. , pp. 196, fig. Fig. 11a-b