
Foraripora pesavis Voigt et Soule, 1973

Taxon description

Voigt & Soule, 1973

Diagnosis.-Colony, burrowed in shells consisting of very long, subcylindrical, tubelike zooecia, which are a little widened at the apertural (distal) part and tapering caudally to a thin, needle like tip. The primary placement of the zooecia is usually in groups of three zooecia connected to a very fine main stolon. The stolon enters the median zooecium at its caudal (proximal), needlelike end. Other zooecia may emanate from the median zooecia near the caudal end. No secondary stolons are present. The openings are ovoid without a visible slit laterally.

1973     Foraripora pesavis n. sp. — Voigt & Soule , pp. 28, fig. 3:1-3
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioerosional trace fossils