
Oldhamia radiata Kinhan, 1858

Taxon description

Emended Diagnosis: Oldhamiawith probings thatbranch and radiate to all sides from a central pointin aChondrites-like fashion, but except fromthe central area they all remain in a single beddingplane.

Lindholm & Casey, 1990

Description. A radial arrangement of burrows meeting in an 0-shaped point. The burrows form either a bilaterally symmetrical or, more rarely, a continuous radial pattern. When continuous, burrows are commonly irregular in spacing and characteristically have zones where the burrows are shorter, less numerous, and poorly defined. Bilaterally symmetrical forms characterized by smooth burrows (30-45 in number) of uniform length and spacing. Individual burrows range from 3 to 8 mrn in length and the trace ranges from 0.8 to 2cm in diameter.

1858     Oldhamia radiata Forbes, 1849 — Kinhan , pp. 61
1942     Oldhamia radiata Forbes, 1849 — Ruedemann , fig. Fig. 2.4; 3.3; 3.3
1974     Oldhamia radiata Forbes, 1849 — Dhonau and Holland , fig. Pl. 4A
1982     Oldhamia radiata Forbes, 1849 — Aceñolaza & Durand , fig. Pl. 1:1,2,5,6, 7,9
1990     Oldhamia radiata Forbes, 1849 — Lindholm & Casey , pp. 1273, fig. Figs. 7A, 7B
2005     Oldhamia radiata Kinmhan, 1851 — Seilacher et al. , pp. 346