
Rogerella mathieui Saint-Seine, 1956

Taxon description

Breton, 2011

Diagnosis. Opening straight or bent, widening regularly without any distinction of regions. Opening two to three times longer than wide, depth greater than the length of the opening. Lips of the opening thin, brittle, usually not preserved. 

1852     Clionites mantelli — Wetherell
1956     Rogerella mathieui sp. nov. — Saint-Seine , pp. 300, fig. 16:4,6; 17:1,4
2011     Rogerella mathieui de Saint-Seine, 1956 — Breton , pp. 30, fig. Fig. 55, 56, 60
2017     Rogerella mathieui de Saint-Seine, 1956 — Breton et al. , pp. 49, fig. 3A