
Echinospira pauciradiata Girotti, 1970

Taxon description

Girotti, 1970

Diagnosis: Rays of 30-40 cm in lengh, unbranched, provided with pinnulae on one side only and in number of 5-10 per cm of ray lengh. The pinnulae are longer toward the center half of radiolus and become gradually shorter toward the periphery of it, disappearing at the end, therefore the extremity of radiolus is without pinnulae. The edge of the single specimen, arranged in an elliptical spiral has therefore  an accurate form. Within a 90° angle 4  to 8 radioli could be counted; their lenght/width ratio, in mm is 350:3,5. Further on the radioli seem to be joined together at the base a radially furrowed membrane. The general sharpe is that of more or less flattened cone.

1970     Echinospira pauciradiata sp. n. — Girotti , pp. 60, fig. Fig. 1-3
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Bioturbation trace fossils