
Lepidenteron mantelli (Geinitz, 1849)

Taxon description

Jurkowska et al., 2018

Emended Diagnosis.—Unbranched cylindrical burrow filled with sediment containing abundant plant detritus. The plant detritus is aligned at least in some burrows.

1850     Cunninghamites Mantelli — Geinitz , pp. 274
1854     Cunninghamites mantelli Geinitz — Otto , pp. 43, fig. Pl. 8 fig. 9
1988     Lepidenteron mantelli (Geinitz 1850) — Suhr , pp. 83, fig. Fig. 2
2015     Thalassinoides isp. filled with carbonized plant detritus — Kedzierski & Uchman , fig. Pl. 2, fig. 2
2016     Lepidenteron mantelli (Geinitz 1849) — Niebuhr & Wilmsen , pp. 222, fig. Fig. 18c,18d
2018     Lepidenteron mantelli (Geinitz 1849) — Jurkowska et al. , pp. 322, fig. Fig. 3
Organism groupBiota
Ichnofossil groupIchnofossils
Soft-sediment trace fossils