
Tubulichnium rectum (Fischer-Ooster, 1858)

Taxon description

Uchman & Wetzel, 2017a

Diagnosis. Oblique to horizontal, unbranched, straight or slightly winding, blind ending, commonly originally almost void but preserved collapsed ube, which may by slightly swollen in the middle part. It is lined with small, elongated muddy pellets.

Uchman & Wetzel, 2017a

Diagnosis. Oblique to horizontal, unbranched, straight or slightly winding, blind ending, commonly originally almost void but preserved collapsed ube, which may by slightly swollen in the middle part. It is lined with small, elongated muddy pellets.

1858     Halymenites incrassatus F. O. — Fissher-Ooster , pp. 65, fig. Tab. 16:3
1858     Halymenites rectus F. O. — Fischer-Ooster , pp. 55, fig. Tab. 13:2
1977     Tubulichnium incertum n. ichnosp. — Książkiewicz , pp. 143, fig. Pl. 11:14, 15
1991     Tubulichnium incertum — Uchman , pp. 289, fig. Fig. 2A
1996     Tubulichnium incertum Książkiewicz — Tunis & Uchman , pp. 177, fig. Fig. 3J
1998     Ophiomorpha rectus (Fischer-Ooster, 1858) — Uchman , pp. 126, fig. Figs 25, 26
1999     Ophiomorpha recta (Fischer-Ooster, 1858) — Uchman , pp. 104, fig. Pl. 11:1,2
2004     Ophiomorpha rectus (Fischer-Ooster, 1858) — Leszczyński , pp. 45, fig. Fig. 20
2007     Ophiomorpha recta (Fischer-Ooster, 1858) — Uchman , pp. 224, fig. Pl. 2:1
2017     Tubulichnium rectum (Fischer-Ooster, 1858) comb. nov. — Uchman & Wetzel