
Phycodes noha Mikulaš, 1995

Taxon description

Gutiérrez-Marco & Sá, 2016

Description.- Horizontal structure formed by a well-developed generator tube, from which several branches radiate in the opposite direction, being able to form a compact triangular body, or be separated into lateral bundles. The main (or initial) gallery occupies an axial position and the more distal galleries (6-8 at most) do not form remarkable “fingering” terminations in the entire structure, which maintains a flattened and parallel aspect to the plane stratification. The maximum dimensions observed are 95 mm in length and 97 mm in width, although this size could be exceeded since an isolated initial gallery, with a “teichichnoid” aspect (with vertical displacement), reaches 60 mm in length. The footprint filling contrasts clearly with its lighter coloration and ferruginous impregnation against the matrix rock. The texture is also coarser, and the distal end of the secondary galleries usually present concentrations of disarticulated ostracod leaflets (genera Gracquina, Klimphores? And smooth forms).

1991     Buthotrephis noha ichnosp. nov. — Mikuláš , pp. 18
1995     Phycodes noha ichnosp. nov. — Mikuláš , pp. 395-397, fig. 1:1; 2:3; 4:3-4; 7:3; 8;2
2008     Phycodes noha Mikuláš — Gutiérrez-Marco & Sá , pp. 37-38, fig. 1 B-C
2009     Phycodes noha Mikuláš — Sá et al. , pp. 142, fig. 1.8
2015     Phycodes noha Mikuláš — Sá & Gutiérrez-Marco , pp. 17-18, fig. 11A-H
2016     Phycodes noha Mikuláš, 1995, sensu lato — Gutiérrez-Marco & Sá , pp. 44, fig. 1, 2a-l
2016     Phycodes canelensis isp. nov. — Neto de Carvalho et al. , pp. 29, fig. 4A-B.