
Rusophycus exsilius Stachacz, 2012

Taxon description

Diagnosis. – Small, convex, distinctly bilobate Rusophycus, which occur in clusters of a few specimens forming longitudinal, discontinuous, straight or curved ribbons.

Description. – Clusters of 3 to 6 bilobate, symmetrical hypichnia, which consist of two lobes separated by a distinct median furrow. The surface of the lobes is smooth or slightly irregular, without ridges. Individual hypichnia are 8–15 mm long, 9–12 mm wide; the median furrow is 1–3 mm wide. The lobes are 3–4 mm high above the bedding surface. Individual hypichnia are displaced with respect to each other, locally partly overlapping. Some of them form ribbons, which resemble discontinous Cruziana trails.

2012     Rusophycus exsilius isp. nov. — Stachacz , pp. 244