
Petridiostroma regulare (Rosen, 1867)

Taxon description

Nestor, H. et al., 2010

Diagnosis (after Nestor 1962, p. 13). Skeleton laminar, small; internal texture very fine; interlaminar spaces of equal size; laminae even, slightly microundulating; 18 laminae and 14 or fewer pillars are spaced at 2 mm; galleries isometric; astrorhizae lacking.

1867     Stromatopora regularis n. — Rosen , pp. 76, fig. 9:1-4
1962     Clathrodictyon regulare (Rosen) — Nestor , pp. 13, fig. 4:1-4
1964     Clathrodictyon regulare (Rosen, 1867) — Nestor , pp. 57, fig. 20:1-2; 22:5
1978     Clathrodictyon regulare (Rosen) — Mori , pp. 129, fig. 7:A-D
1999     Petridiostroma regulare — Nestor , pp. 127
2010     Petridiostroma regulare (Rosen 1867) — Nestor et al. , pp. 89, fig. 25:c-f
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Nestor, H. 1999. Community structure and succession of Baltoscandian Early Palaeozoic stromatoporoids. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 48, 3, 123-139. DOI:10.3176/geol.1999.3.01
Nestor, H. E. 1964. Ordovician and Llandoverian Stromatoporoidea of Estonia. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused 1-112. Valgus.
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