
Psammolepis abavica Mark-Kurik, 1965

1965     Psammolepis abavica Mark-Kurik, 1965 — Tarlo , fig. text fig. 34
1965     Psammolepis abavica Mark-Kurik, n. sp. — Obruchev & Mark-Kurik , fig. 38:1-3; 39:1,2; 39:1-3
2004     Psammolepis abavica Mark-Kurik, 1965 — Novitskaya , pp. 183
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Mark-Kurik, E. 2000. The Middle Devonian fishes of the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia) and Belarus. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 223, 309-324.
Obruchev, D. V., Mark-Kurik, E. J. (eds) 1965. Devonian psammosteids (Agnatha, Psammosteidae) of the USSR. pp. 1-304. Eesti NSV TA Geoloogia Instituut.
Halstead Tarlo, L. B. H. 1965. Psammosteiformes (Agnatha) - A review with descriptions of new material from the Lower Devonian of Poland. 2. Systematic part. Palaeontologia Polonica 15, 1-168.
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