
Ramochitina nestorae Grahn, 1995

1982     Gotlandochitina magnifica sp. n. — Nestor , pp. 147-148, fig. 1:4
1995     Gotlandochitina magnifica Nestor, 1982 — Nestor, V. , pp. 54, fig. 27:1-2
1995     Ramochitina nestorae Grahnn nomen novum — Grahn , pp. 63, fig. 8:B
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Männik, P., Loydell, D. K., Nestor, V., Nõlvak, J. 2015. Integrated Upper Ordovician–lower Silurian biostratigraphy of the Grötlingbo-1 core section, Sweden. GFF 137, 3, 226-244. DOI:10.1080/11035897.2015.1042032
Loydell, D. K., Nestor, V., Männik, P. 2010. Integrated biostratigraphy of the lower Silurian of the Kolka-54 core, Latvia. Geological Magazine 147, 2, 253-280. DOI:10.1017/S0016756809990574
Rubel, M., Hints, O., Männik, P., Meidla, T., Nestor, V., Sarv, L., Sibul, I. 2007. Lower Silurian biostratigraphy of the Viirelaid core, western Estonia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 56, 4, 193-204. DOI:10.3176/earth.2007.01
Nestor, V. 2005. Chitinozoans of the Margachitina margaritana Biozone and the Llandovery-Wenlock boundary in West Estonian drill cores. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 54, 2, 87-111. DOI:10.3176/geol.2005.2.02
Nestor, V. 1994. Early Silurian chitinozoans of Estonia and North Latvia. pp. 1-163. Estonian Academy Publishers.
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Paatsalu 527 borehole  (70.08 ... 70.08): 1