
Conochitina postarmillata Nestor, 2007

Taxon description

Nestor, V., 2007

Diagnosis. Vesicle cylindro-ovoidal with more or less differentiated chamber and neck. Flexure and shoulder slightly developed, base weakly convex with broadly rounded basal margin. Chamber flanks slightly convex with the maximum diameter at or near the middle part of the chamber. Neck cylindrical and slightly shorter than the chamber. Base carries a wide low callus with depression at the centre, where discrete mucron is situated. Vesicle wall smooth, but shows faint rugose ornamentation at high magnifications.

1982     Conochitina sp. 1 — Nestor , pp. 92-93
1994     Conochitina sp. A — Sutherland , pp. 49, fig. pl. 9, figs 12, 13
2007     Conochitina postarmillata sp.nov. — Nestor , pp. 122-125, fig. 11:B-1,B-2
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Nestor, V. 2007. Chitinozoans in the Wenlock-Ludlow boundary beds of the East Baltic. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 56, 2, 109-128.