Asterolepis radiata Rohon, 1900
1900 Asterolepis radiata — Rohon , pp. 23, 24, fig. text fig.11
1900 Asterolepis ornata — Rohon , pp. 20-22, fig. 9
1911 Asterolepis tschernyschewi — Hoffmann , pp. 292, 298
1911 Pterichtys schoendorfi — Hoffmann , pp. 291, 298, fig. text fig.5; tabl. 25:2
1919 Asterolepis radiatus — Jaekel , pp. 102, fig. 15
1920 Asterolepis radiata (Jkl.) — Burre , pp. 301
1931 Asterolepis radiata (Jkl.) — Obruchev , pp. 94
1933 Asterolepis radiata — Gross , pp. 35,36, fig. III 11,15; IV 2
1933 Asterolepis cristata — Obruchev , pp. 12, fig. I
1963 Asterolepis radiata Rohon, 1900 — Karatajute-Talimaa , pp. 142, fig. VIII-XIX; XX fig.2; XXI_XXVII; text fig.40-48
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Vorobyeva, E. I., Lyarskaya, L. A. 1968. Ostatki kisteperyh i dvoâkodyšaŝih iz amatskih sloev Latvii i ih zahoronenie. Essays on phylogeny and systematics of fossil fishes and agnathans, pp. 71-86. Nauka.
Karatajūtė-Talimaa, V. N. 1963. Genus Asterolepis from the Devonian deposits of Russian platform. The data of the geology of the Lithuania, pp. 65-168. The Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR.
Gross, W. 1940. Acanthodier und Placodermen aus den Heterostius-Schichten Estlands und Lettlands. Tartu Ülikooli juures oleva Loodusuurijate Seltsi Aruanded 46, 12-99.
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Chordata |
Subphylum | Vertebrata |
Infraphylum | Gnathostomata |
Class | Placodermi |
Order | Antiarchi |
Suborder | Asterolepidoidei |
Family | Asterolepididae |
Genus | Asterolepis |
Species | dellei |
essica | |
estonica | |
ornata | |
radiata | |
syasiensis |
Levinneisyys ja viitteet
- Karatajūtė-Talimaa, 1963 [Duplicate record of 13650] Vastseliina Amata-Gauja boundary outcrop Amata Stage
- Karatajūtė-Talimaa, 1963 Oredezh outcrop, Leningrad Oblast Amata Stage
- Karatajūtė-Talimaa, 1963 Piskovichy, Pskov district Amata Stage
- Vorobyeva & Lyarskaya, 1968 Pasta muiža outcrop, Latvia Amata Stage