
Bothriolepis cellulosa (Pander, 1846)

1846     Pterichthys cellulosa — Pander , pp. 292
1911     Bothriolepis retinata — Hoffman , pp. 293,297, fig. figs 14, 15; pl. 24, fig. 4.
1931     Bothriolepis retinata — Gross , pp. 58
1931     Bothriolepis retinata — Stensiö , pp. 11
1932     Bothriolepis cellulosa (Pander) — Gross , pp. 24
1933     Bothriolepis cellulosa (Pander) — Gross , pp. 36-39, fig. figs 36-39; pl. 4, figs 1, 9, 10, 12, 15; pl. 5, f
1977     Bothriolepis cellulosa — Vorobyeva & Lyarskaya , pp. 72
2001     Bothriolepis cellulosa (Pander in Keyserling, 1846) — Lukševičs , pp. 517, fig. 11
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Vorobyeva, E. I., Lyarskaya, L. A. 1968. Ostatki kisteperyh i dvoâkodyšaŝih iz amatskih sloev Latvii i ih zahoronenie. Essays on phylogeny and systematics of fossil fishes and agnathans, pp. 71-86. Nauka.
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