Blastozoa Sprinkle, 1973
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Sheffield, S. L., Lam, A. R., Phillips, S. F., Deline, B. 2022. Morphological Dynamics and Response Following the Dispersal of Ordovician–Silurian Diploporan Echinoderms to Laurentia. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan 34, 9, 123-140. DOI:10.7302/4375
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List of species
3. Asteroblastus foveolatus (Eichwald, 1860) | Kunda Stage
4. Asteroblastus regularis Jaekel, 1918 | Kunda Stage
5. Asteroblastus stellatus Eichwald, 1862 | Kunda Stage
6. Asteroblastus sublaevis Jaekel, 1899 | Kunda Stage
7. Asteroblastus volborthi Schmidt, 1874 | Kunda Stage
9. Asterocystis tuberculatus (Schmidt, 1874) | Kunda Stage
10. Bockeliecrinites rugatus (Bockelie, 1984) | Upper Ordovician
11. Bolboporites (Ambliporites) lamanskii Kushlina, 1995 | Kunda Stage
15. Bolboporites (Bolboporites) elongatus Kushlina, 1995 | Volkhov Stage
19. Bolboporites (Bolboporites) yeltishevae Kushlina, 1995 | Volkhov Stage
20. Bolboporites (Stelloporites) stellifer Eichwald, 1860 | Aseri Stage
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Echinodermata |
Subphylum | Asterozoa |
Blastozoa | |
Class | Coronoidea |
Diploporita | |
Eocrinoidea | |
Rhombifera | |
Subphylum | Echinozoa |
Eleutherozoa | |
Pelmatozoa | |
Class | Crinoidea |
Cyclocystoidea | |
Homoiostelea | |
Stylophora |
See also