Athyridida Boucot, Johnson et Staton, 1964
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
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List of species
1. Coelospira baltica Rybnikova, 1967 | Ludlow
2. Coelospira pusilla (Hisinger, 1837) | Ludlow
3. Collarothyris canaliculata (Wenjukow, 1899) | Přidoli
4. Collarothyris collaris (Rubel, 1970) | Ohesaare Stage
7. Didymothyris biohermica Rubel, 1967 | Jaagarahu Stage
9. Didymothyris katriensis Rubel, 1967 | Paadla Stage
11. Glassina usitata Modzalevskaya, 1979 | Wenlock
12. Hindella cassidea (Dalman, 1828) | Porkuni Stage
14. Hindella kiaeri Sheehan, 1977 | Hirnantian
18. Koigia extenuata (Rubel, 1970) | Juuru Stage
20. Meristina obtusa (J. Sowerby, 1818) | Wenlock
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Brachiopoda |
Subphylum | Rhynchonelliformea |
Class | Rhynchonellata |
Order | Athyridida |
Suborder | Athyrididina |
Koninckinidina | |
Retziidina | |
Superfamily | Anoplothecoidea |
Dayioidea | |
Order | Atrypida |
Orthida | |
Pentamerida | |
Protorthida | |
Rhynchonellida | |
Spiriferida | |
Spiriferinida | |
Terebratulida | |
Thecideida |