
Skenidioides petrasi Rubel, 2011

Taxon description

Rubel, 2011

Skenidioides with small, pyramidal, convexo-flat shell, no ventral fold, dorsal sulcus weak; up to 20 costae rounded, covered by strong concentric growth lamellae

holotype: Department of Geology, TalTech GIT 506-2134a, Ikla borehole (Ikla core) , Jaani Stage (Juuru to Jaani Stage) , 385.8 - 386 m
2011     Skenidioides petrasi sp. nov. — Rubel , pp. 38-39, fig. 17: 1-11
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Rubel, M. 2011. Silurian brachiopods Dictyonellida, Strophomenida, Productida, Orthotetida, Protorthida and Orthida from Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 4, pp. 1-133. Tartu Ülikooli geoloogia instituut.
Levinneisyys ja viitteet
  • Rubel, 2011   Häädemeeste 172 borehole   202.5 - 397.7   Juuru Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Ruhnu 500 borehole   523 - 598   Raikküla Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Seliste 173 borehole   146.8 - 160   Adavere Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Ikla borehole   274 - 282   Adavere Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Pärnu 1 borehole   98.49 - 105.2   Jaani Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Varbla 502 borehole   120 - 126.4   Jaani Stage
  • Rubel, 2011   Rhuddanian