
Rectella romboformis Neckaja, 1966

1966     Rectella romboformis Neckaja, sp. n. — Neckaja , pp. 52-53, fig. 9:6
1984     Rectella romboformis Neckaja — Sarv et Meidla , pp. 8, 11
1986     Rectella romboformis Neckaja — Schallreuter , fig. 7:8
1990     Rectella romboformis — Meidla et al. , pp. 135
1996     Rectella romboformis Neckaja, 1966 — Meidla , pp. 144-145, fig. 30:9-11
2011     Rectella romboformis Neckaja, 1966 — Schallreuter et Hinz-Schallreuter , pp. 211
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Truuver, K., Meidla, T. 2013. Extraordinary End-Ordovician ostracod association from Kętrzyn IG-1 borehole, NE Poland. The Palaeontological Association 57th Annual Meeting, December 2013. Thematic Symposium “Fossilised ontogenies and evolution”, pp. 57-57. University of Zürich.
Meidla, T. 2007. Ostracods from the Upper Ordovician Borenshult fauna, Sweden. GFF 129, 2, 123-132. DOI:10.1080/11035890701292123
Meidla, T. 1996. Late Ordovician Ostracodes of Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 2. pp. 1-222. Tartu University Press.
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Neckaja, A. I. 1966. Ostrakody ordovika i silura SSSR (semejstva Schmidtellidae, Rectellidae, Longisculidae i nekotorye novye vidy drugih semejstv). Trudy VNIGRI 251, 1-103. Nedra.
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