
Tallinnella angustata (Krause, 1891)

1891     Beyrichia marchica var. angustata — Krause , pp. 449, fig. 2:9
1937     Tallinnella dimorpha n. sp. — Öpik , pp. 24, fig. 2:1-2
1961     Tallinnella angustata (Krause, 1891) — Jaanusson , pp. 413
1976     Tallinnella angustata (Krause) — Jaanusson , pp. 312-313
1979     Tallinnella angustata (Krause, 1891) — Ivanova , pp. 133, fig. 11:2-3
1992     Tallinnella angustata (Krause, 1891) — Sidaravičiene , pp. 108, fig. 28:10
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Sidaravičiene, N. 1992. Ordovician ostracods of Lithuania. pp. 1-252. LitNIIGRI.
Jaanusson, V. 1957. Middle Ordovician Ostracodes of Central and Southern Sweden. Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala 37, 17, 173-442.
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