Lingulata Goryanskij et Popov, 1985
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Vinn, O., Holmer, L. E., Wilson, M. A. 2024. Evolution of brachiopod symbiosis in the early Paleozoic. Historical Biology 36, 7, 1274-1294. DOI:10.1080/08912963.2023.2212368
Vinn, O., Holmer, L. E., Wilson, M. A., Isakar, M., Toom, U. 2023. A Rowellella (Lingulata, Brachiopoda) nestler in a Trypanites boring from the Middle Ordovician of Estonia: An early colonizer of hard substrate borings. Palaios 38, 5, 240-245. DOI:10.2110/palo.2023.003
Vinn, O., Wilson, M., Holmer, L. E., Ernst, A., Tinn, O., Toom, U. 2022. Diverse endobiotic symbiont fauna from the late Katian (Late Ordovician) of Estonia. Palaeontologia Electronica 25, 3, 1-13. DOI:10.26879/1232
Vinn, O., Holmer, L. E., Wilson, M. A., Isakar, M., Toom, U. 2021. Possible drill holes and pseudoborings in obolid shells from the Cambrian/Ordovician boundary beds of Estonia and the uppermost Cambrian of NW Russia. Historical Biology 33, 12, 3579–3584. DOI:10.1080/08912963.2021.1878355
Holmer, L. E., Yue, L., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z. 2019. The problematic lingulate brachiopod Aulonotreta from the Ordovician (Dapingian–Darriwilian) of Baltoscandia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 68, 4, 206-224. DOI:10.3176/earth.2019.15
Holmer, L. E., Zhang, Z., Topper, T. P., Popov, L., Claybourn, T. M. 2018. The attachment strategies of Cambrian kutorginate brachiopods: the curious case of two pedicle openings and their phylogenetic significance. Journal of Paleontology 92, 1, 33-39. DOI:10.1017/jpa.2017.76
Holmer, L. E., Popov, L. E., Ghobadi Pour, M., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z. 2017. Unusual pitted Ordovician brachiopods from the East Baltic: the significance of coarsely pitted ornamentations in linguliforms. Papers in Palaeontology 3, 3, 387-399. Wiley. DOI:10.1002/spp2.1080
Ushatinskaya, G. T., Korovnikov, I. V. 2016. Revision of the Superfamily Acrotheloidea (Brachiopoda, Class Linguliformea, Order Lingulida) from the Lower and Middle Cambrian of the Siberian Platform. Paleontological Journal 50, 5, 450-462. DOI:10.1134/S0031030116050130
Lang, L., Kirsimäe, K., Vahur, S. 2016. Diagenetic fate of bioapatite in linguliform brachiopods: multiple apatite phases in shells of Cambrian lingulate brachiopod Ungula ingrica (Eichwald). Lethaia 49, 1, 13-27. Wiley. DOI:10.1111/let.12127
Lang, L. 2015. Baculate shell structure in Early Palaeozoic linguliform brachiopods. Dissertationes Geologicae Universitatis Tartuensis 40, 1-113. University of Tartu Press.
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Lang, L., Uibopuu, E., Puura, I. 2011. Nanostructures in Palaeozoic linguloid brachiopods. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 41, 359−366.
Lang, L., Puura, I. 2009. Systematic position, distribution, and shell structure of the Devonian linguloid brachiopod Bicarinatina bicarinata (Kutorga, 1837). Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 58, 1, 63-70. DOI:10.3176/earth.2009.1.06
Nemliher, J., Kurvits, T., Kallaste, T., Puura, I. 2004. Apatite varieties in the shell of the Cambrian lingulate brachiopod Obolus apollinis Eichwald. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 53, 4, 246-256. DOI:10.3176/geol.2004.4.02
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List of species
1. Acanthambonia delicata Holmer, 1989 | Ordovician
2. Acanthambonia ildjernensis Hansen, 2008 | Ordovician
4. Acrothele coriacea Linnarsson, 1876 | Lower Cambrian (old nomenclature)→Upper Cambrian (old nomenclature)
6. Acrotreta conula Walcott, 1902 | Upper Cambrian (old nomenclature)
9. Acrotreta tallinnensis Holmer et Popov, 1994 | Saka Member
10. Alichovia ramispinosa Gorjansky, 1969 | Idavere Substage
11. Angulotreta postapicalis Palmer, 1954 | Upper Cambrian (old nomenclature)
12. Apatobolus plicatus Popov, 1980 | Ordovician
13. Aulonotreta antiquissima (Eichwald, 1840) | Volkhov Stage
14. Aulonotreta neptuni Holmer, Yue, Zhang et Zhang, 2019 | Kunda Stage
15. Aulonotreta sculpta Kutorga, 1848 | Volkhov Stage
16. Bicarinatina acuta Gravitis, 1981 | Narva Stage
19. Bicarinatina gulbenensis Gravitis, 1981 | Aruküla Stage
Organism group | Biota |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Brachiopoda |
Subphylum | Linguliformea |
Class | Lingulata |
Order | Acrotretida |
Lingulida | |
Siphonotretida | |
Class | Paterinata |