
Helminthopsis abeli Książkiewicz, 1977

Taxon description

Han & Pickerill, 1995

Emended diagnosis: Helminthopsis that is loosely winding or meandering. Meanders irregular and variable in shape, mostly deep, but also shallow, with bell-shaped and, or, horseshoe-shaped segments, but no straight segments or loops. The axes of the meanders are not parallel. Diameter is variable and generally constant within a single specimen (modified from Książkiewicz, 1977).

Buatois et al., 1996

Description: Irregularly meandering, unbranched, smoothsurfaced, horizontal burrows. Meander dimensions are variable. Amplitude of the meanders ranges from 1 to 6 mm. Meander length varies from 6 to 16 mm. Burrow length ranges from 28 to 70 mm. Diameter varies from 1 to 1.5 mm, but is relatively constant within each specimen. In general, meanders tend to be low and broad. Preserved as hypichnial ridges.

1877     Helminthopsis intermedia — Heer , pp. 116
1888     Helminthopsis hieroglyphica — Heer, Sacco , pp. 175, fig. 2:2, 11
1935     Helminthopsis — Abel , pp. 290, fig. 261B
1977     Helminthop is abeli n. ichnosp. — Książkiwicz , pp. 117, fig. 12:5
1985     Helminthopsis abeli Książkiewicz, 1977 — Crimes & Anderson , pp. 325, fig. Fig. 6.9, 6.10, 7.6, 7.7
1990     Helminthopsis abeli Książkiewicz, 1977 — Narbonne & Aitken , pp. 968, fig. 3:2
1995     Helminthopsis abeli Książkiewicz, 1977 — Han & Pickerill , pp. 103, fig. Figs. 7A-E, 8A
1996     Helminthopsis abeli Książkiewicz, 1977 — Buatois et al. , pp. 293-294, fig. 8F
1998     Helminthopsis abeli — Wentzel et al. , pp. 312
2003     Helminthopsis abeli Książkiewicz, 1977 — Kim & Pickerill , pp. 48, fig. 4B