
Trypanites Mägdefrau, 1932

Taxon description

Wisshak et al., 2019a

Macroboring; substrate calcareous; tracemaker invertebrate

Knaust et al., 2023a

Diagnosis. Single-entrance, cylindrical, unbranched borings in hard substrates, having a circular cross-section throughout length. The axes of the borings may be straight, curved or irregular (after Bromley & D’Alessandro 1987; modified by Neumann et al. 2008).

Buatois et al., 2017

Category of architectural design: 2.59. Cylindrical vertical to oblique borings.

Knaust, 2012a

Unbranched, cylindrical

Bhattacharaya & Banerjee, 2014

Diagnosis.—Included in Trypanites are simple unbranched vertical to sinuous borings with a single opening to the surface; with or without a flared entrance. Circular in cross section; generally isodiametric throughout the entire length but may terminate in a small cupulate chamber.


Blissett & Pickerill, 2007

Diagnosis– (Modified after Bromley & D’Alessandro, 1987, p. 403.) Single entrance, cylindrical or sub-cylindrical, unbranched boring in lithic or biogenic substrates having circular cross-section throughout length. The axes of the boring may be straight, curved or irregular.

Taylor & Wilson, 2003

Remark: Cylindrical, unbranched boring; length up to 50 times width. Some Ordovician examples described by Kobluk and Nemcsok (1982) contain scolecodonts suggesting that the borings were made by polychaete worms.

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Jeon, J., Toom, U. 2024. First report of an aulaceratid stromatoporoid from the Ordovician of Baltica. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 73, 2, 71-80. DOI:10.3176/earth.2024.07
Knaust, D., Dronov, A. V., Toom, U. 2023. Two almost‐forgotten Trypanites ichnospecies names for the most common Palaeozoic macroboring. Papers in Palaeontology 9, 3, e1491. DOI:10.1002/spp2.1491
Toom, U., Kuva, J., Knaust, D. 2023. Ichnogenus Trypanites in the Ordovician of Estonia (Baltica). Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 72, 1, 106-109. DOI:10.3176/earth.2023.48
Toom, U., Kröger, B., Knaust, D. 2023. A Balanoglossites-Trypanites ichnofabric from the Upper Ordovician warm-water carbonates of Estonia. Following in the footsteps of Richard Granville Bromley. Abstracts and Field Guide, pp. 38-38.
Knaust, D., Dronov, A., Toom, U. 2023. Two almost forgotten Trypanites ichnospecies names for the most common Palaeozoic macroboring. Bio-i geosobytiâ v istorii Zemli. Ètapnost' èvolûcii i stratigrafičeskaâ korrelâciâ. LXIX sessiâ paleontologičeskogo obŝestva, pp. 59-59. Kartafabrika VSEGEI.
Matysik, M., Stachacz, M., Knaust, D., Whitehouse, M. J. 2022. Geochemistry, ichnology, and sedimentology of omission levels in Middle Triassic (Muschelkalk) platform carbonates of the Germanic Basin (southern Poland). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 585, 110732. DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110732
Toom, U., Vinn, O., Hints, O. 2019. Ordovician and Silurian ichnofossils from carbonate facies in Estonia: A collection-based review. Palaeoworld 28, 1-2, 123-144. DOI:10.1016/j.palwor.2018.07.001
Vinn, O., Toom, U. 2016. Borings in phosphatized Cambrian siltstone pebbles, Estonia (Baltica). Geological Magazine 153, 4, 635-642. DOI:10.1017/S001675681500076X
Vinn, O., Toom, U. 2016. Bioerosion of inorganic hard substrates in the Silurian of Estonia (Baltica). GFF 138, 2, 306-310. DOI:10.1080/11035897.2015.1076513
Vinn, O., Toom, U. 2016. A sparsely encrusted hardground with abundant Trypanites borings from the Llandovery of the Velise River, western Estonia (Baltica). Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 65, 1, 19-26. DOI:10.3176/earth.2016.01
Vinn, O., Wilson, M. A., Toom, U. 2015. Bioerosion of Inorganic Hard Substrates in the Ordovician of Estonia (Baltica). PLOS ONE 10, 7, e0134279. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0134279
Vinn, O., Wilson, M. A. 2012. Encrustation and bioerosion on late Sheinwoodian (Wenlock, Silurian) stromatoporoids from Saaremaa, Estonia. Carnets de Géologie 12, 2, 183-191. DOI:10.4267/2042/47551
Vinn, O., Wilson, M. A. 2010. Occurrence of Giant Borings of Osprioneides kampto in the Lower Silurian (Sheinwoodian) Stromatoporoids of Saaremaa, Estonia. Ichnos 17, 3, 166-171. DOI:10.1080/10420940.2010.502478
Vinn, O., Wilson, M. A. 2010. Early large borings in a hardground of Floian-Dapingian age (Early and Middle Ordovician) in northeastern Estonia (Baltica). Carnets de Géologie 10, le, 1-4. DOI:10.4267/2042/35594
Neumann, C., Wisshak, M., Bromley, R. G. 2008. Boring a mobile domicile: an alternative to the conchicolous life habit. Current Developments in Bioerosion, pp. 307-327. Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-77598-0_16
Wyse Jackson, P. N., Key, M. M. 2007. Borings in trepostome bryozoans from the Ordovician of Estonia: two ichnogenera produced by a single maker, a case of host morphology control. Lethaia 40, 3, 237-252. Wiley. DOI:10.1111/j.1502-3931.2007.00021.x
Vinn, O. 2005. The tube ultrastructure of serpulids (Annelida, Polychahaeta) Pentaditrypa subtorquata, Cretaceous, and Nogrobs cf. vertebralis, Jurassic, from Germany. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 54, 4, 260-265. DOI:10.3176/geol.2005.4.03
Vinn, O. 2005. The distribution of worm borings in brachiopod shells from the Caradoc Oil Shale of Estonia. Carnets de Géologie 5, article 3, 1-11. DOI:10.4267/2042/2454
Cole, A. R., Palmer, T. J. 1999. Middle Jurassic worm borings, and a new giant ichnospecies of Trypanites from the Bajocian/Dinantian unconformity, southern England. Proceedings of the Geologists Association 110, 3, 203–209. DOI:10.1016/S0016-7878(99)80070-4
Orviku, Karl 1940. Lithologie der Tallinna-Serie (Ordovizium, Estland) I. pp. 1-249.
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