
Tarphophragma multitabulata (Ulrich, 1886)

1886     Monotrypella multitabulata — Ulrich , pp. 100
1911     Hallopora multitabulata (Ulrich) — Bassler , pp. 326, fig. text fig. 202
1911     non Hallopora multitabulata (Ulrich) — Bassler , pp. 326, fig. text fig. 202
1953     Hallopora multitabulata (Ulr.) — Modzalevskaya
1978     Monotrypella multitabulata (Ulrich, 1886) — Astrova , pp. 108
1978     Hallopora multitabulata (Ulrich, 1886) — Astrova , pp. 70
1984     Hallopora goodhuudensis (Ulrich, 1893) — Karklins
1984     Tarphophragma multitabulata (Ulrich, 1886) — Karklins , pp. 177
2012     Tarphophragma multitabulata (Ulrich, 1886) — Ernst & Carrera , pp. 729
2013     Hallopora multitabulata (Ulrich, 1886) — Pushkin & Pushkina , pp. 9
Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Bassler, R. S. 1911. The Early Paleozoic Bryozoa of the Baltic Provinces. Bulletin of the US National Museum 77, 1-382.
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