
Anolotichiidae Utgaard, 1958

Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut
Pushkin, V. I., Nehkorosheva, L. V., Kopaevich, G. V., Yaroshinskaya, A. M. 1990. Pržidol'skie mšanki SSSR [Пржидольские мшанки СССР]. pp. 1-125. Nauka.
Rõõmusoks, A. 1970. Stratigraphy of the Viruan Series (Middle Ordovician) in Northern Estonia, I. pp. 1-346. Valgus.
Männil, R. M. 1959. Questions of stratigraphy and bryozoans of the Ordovician of Estonia. pp. 1-852. Institut Geologii Akademii Nauk Estonskoi SSR.
Bassler, R. S. 1911. The Early Paleozoic Bryozoa of the Baltic Provinces. Bulletin of the US National Museum 77, 1-382.
Eichwald, E. 1855. Beitrag zur geographischen Verbreitung der fossilen Thiere Russlands. Alte Periode. Bulletin de la Société Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou 28, 4, 433-466.
List of species